Tuesday, July 1, 2014

The Hobby Lobby Fallacy

Yesterday The Supreme Court ruled that closely held corporations like Hobby Lobby cannot be forced to violate their religious freedom by providing contraceptives that they deem violate their conscience. Such as the morning after pill. To hear the mainstream liberal media tell it women everywhere are being denied the care they so desperately need. First off, it has been stated again and again that Hobby Lobby pays for sixteen different types of contraceptives out of the twenty available on the market. So if the women that work there can't find something acceptable I question exactly what they are doing. Yes there are other reasons than birth control that women use these contraceptives, such as to help prevent ovarian cysts. I happen to take the pill for hormone replacement. But that doesn't change the fact that you can get these free at Planned Parenthood or for about $9 at any pharmacy even without insurance. I happen to think women should take responsibility for their sex life and if you want to have sex, pay for your protection yourself. I don't expect my employer to pay for my decisions in that regard. Contrary to what liberals would have you think birth control is not healthcare not is it a right. Unless we're talking about the other above reasons mentioned why a woman might need it. I thought the feminist movement was all about women taking care of themselves. Now they want someone to pay for their birth control? Either the government or their employer. I find this ridiculous. This goes against everything these feminists claim to be for. Didn't they march for equal rights? Now they want to be taken care of by the government or their employer. This is not life sustaining medication. In most cases this is birth control women take in order to prevent pregnancy. That is not someone else's responsibility to pay for. I have yet to hear any woman who works at Hobby Lobby speak out and complain. This is another attempt to promulgate the War on Women narrative by democrats to paint conservatives as people who hate women. Well I wonder what the millions of conservative women like myself think about this. I happen to think women are more than their lady parts and it's time liberals stopped insulting them.


  1. Curious, Mary...were you surprised by the court's decision?

  2. Hey Chrissy, yes I was a bit surprised. I learned from the ruling that the individual mandate was constitutional that you cannot predict how the supremes will rule. Justice Kennedy is always a toss up. But Ruth Bader Ginsberg's assertion, like much of the media, that women are somehow being denied something, didn't surprise me. She is very much left leaning.
